We provide our employees with work bicycles and electric scooters.

In 2014, together with the certification service provider SGS, we examined our carbon footprint throughout the company and defined measures that we can implement to reduce this.

The mountain world is not just a space where we and our customers like to move about. It's also our home. As a mountaineering specialist, we feel it is our duty to minimize our impact on the environment and our carbon footprint as far as possible.

This obligation begins with small things such as our e-bike charging station, which is free for the public, or the energy-efficient LED lighting in all our new shops. We have made substantial investments. For example, with our three photovoltaic plants, we produce more energy than we need at our headquarters and in the warehouse. The remainder is fed into the grid. When choosing our logistics partners too, we make sure that environmental management is not just a catchphrase for these companies but is actually backed up by real standards. At the same time, we are testing alternative transport options. And because every environmentally aware company starts with its employees, we pay special attention to our personnel. We are helping them to reduce their individual carbon footprint with bicycles, electric scooters and also annual “car-free to work” initiatives.

Individual measures have a larger initiative as their goal and a common background: In 2014, we examined our carbon footprint throughout the company for the first time, in cooperation with the leading certification service provider SGS. We identified areas in which we would like to continuously improve: direct emissions, i.e. energy consumption within the company and transportation in both the upstream process chain as well as in our goods deliveries.

Additionally, we have been working closely with myclimate since 2016. This charitable foundation promotes climate protection projects through voluntary compensation payments for those CO2 emissions that are often unavoidable. They also give advice on effective climate protection to companies worldwide. With the help of this partner, we track and monitor the carbon footprint in our offices, shops and warehouses. With the aim that our carbon footprint will get smaller and smaller.