SALEWA® se toma muy en serio el bienestar animal. Estamos convencidos de que los patos, gansos y ovejas también tienen derecho a una vida digna conforme a las directrices de las «Cinco Libertades» reconocidas a nivel internacional. Debemos protegerlos contra cualquier sufrimiento como la alimentación forzada o el desplume en vivo. Por ello, nos hemos sometido a las disposiciones sobre bienestar animal más estrictas que conocemos: la norma Responsible Down Standard. Así contribuimos a marcar el rumbo del sector outdoor en cuanto al bienestar animal.

Ningún maltrato a las ovejas para obtener los productos SALEWA®.

Utilizamos exclusivamente plumón certificado conforme a la norma Responsible Down Standard.

Pensamiento global, comercio local: con lana de las montañas del Tirol.



El plumón es una auténtica maravilla natural: a partir de un diminuto núcleo se extienden en todas direcciones cerca de dos millones de ramificaciones estrelladas. De este modo, el plumón puede ocupar mucho espacio y por ello alojar mucho aire caliente con un peso mínimo. Sus ventajas: aun después de una fuerte compresión, p. ej. dentro de la mochila, vuelve a alcanzar su volumen original. Su comodidad y poder aislante son únicos.

El problema: para obtener la materia prima se maltrata con frecuencia a las aves. Por ello, hemos decidido fabricar nuestras chaquetas y sacos de dormir solamente con plumón de alta calidad de procedencia ética. Para garantizarlo adquirimos exclusivamente plumón certificado conforme a las directrices de la norma Responsible Down Standard. La RDS es la norma de bienestar animal más exhaustiva del mundo en la actualidad.

La elaboración de la RDS requirió la participación de diferentes grupos de interés. Las impresiones de proveedores, ganaderos, organizaciones de bienestar animal y expertos del sector tuvieron una especial importancia. La norma es independiente, define exigencias inequívocas y se basa en controles regulares, que también se realizan sin previo aviso.

La RDS significa

un no rotundo al desplume en vivo y a la alimentación forzada de patos y gansos
un sí rotundo a las «Cinco Libertades»» de los animales
ninguna matanza de animales con el único fin de obtener sus plumas y su plumón
controles anuales: en cada fase de producción (granja, matanza, procesamiento, etc.)
procesos transparentes para proteger la credibilidad de la norma

Para obtener más información sobre la norma Responsible Down Standard:

Derived from the lower feathers of waterfowl such as ducks and geese, down has astounding properties that make it a unique marvel of nature - Light as a snowflake, it protects against the cold and is highly compressible due to its elasticity. No other material combines extremely low weight with high thermal insulation. Hence, down has a superior heat and weight ratio. As a result, high quality down has decisive advantages over synthetic materials and meets the strictest of requirements in its stride. We carefully ensure that our down jackets and sleeping bags are only filled with high quality, ethically harvested down. To ensure this in a transparent and credible fashion while eradicating unnecessary animal suffering from the supply chain, SALEWA has decided, going forward, to only purchase down that comes with RDS (Responsible Down Standard) certification. The RDS is currently the most comprehensive, independent certified animal welfare and traceability standard worldwide. The development of the standards required a major commitment by various stakeholders; especially input from suppliers, farmers, animal welfare organizations and industry experts was essential. The standard addresses issues proactively by setting clear requirements and auditing against them on a regular basis, including unannounced audits.

RDS means: Complete ban of live-plucking and force feeding of ducks and geese Robust criteria to ensure that the five freedoms of the animals are protected Animals are never killed solely for their down or feathers Yearly audits of every stage of production (farm, slaughterhouse, processers, etc.) Strict and transparent procedures in place to protect the integrity of the standard (e.g. loss of certification for non‐compliance and pulling product in cases of false or inaccurate labeling) For more information on the Responsible Down Standard visit:




Estar libres de hambre y sed


Estar libres de incomodidad


Estar libres de dolor, lesiones y enfermedades


Estar libres de miedo y angustia


Ser libres para expresar un comportamiento normal


SALEWA takes animal welfare very seriously. We believe Ducks and Geese have the right to the five freedoms of animals and to be safe from any harm, such as force feeding or live plucking. This is why we have committed ourselves to the most stringent animal welfare standard we know of for our down products: the Responsible Down Standard. By this, we also take a firm stance and hope to positively contribute to driving the industry towards global best practices in animal welfare.

Ningún maltrato a las ovejas para obtener los productos SALEWA®.

Utilizamos exclusivamente plumón certificado conforme a la norma Responsible Down Standard.

Pensamiento global, comercio local: con lana de las montañas del Tirol.

Derived from the lower feathers of waterfowl such as ducks and geese, down has astounding properties that make it a unique marvel of nature - Light as a snowflake, it protects against the cold and is highly compressible due to its elasticity. No other material combines extremely low weight with high thermal insulation. Hence, down has a superior heat and weight ratio. As a result, high quality down has decisive advantages over synthetic materials and meets the strictest of requirements in its stride. We carefully ensure that our down jackets and sleeping bags are only filled with high quality, ethically harvested down. To ensure this in a transparent and credible fashion while eradicating unnecessary animal suffering from the supply chain, SALEWA has decided, going forward, to only purchase down that comes with RDS (Responsible Down Standard) certification. The RDS is currently the most comprehensive, independent certified animal welfare and traceability standard worldwide. The development of the standards required a major commitment by various stakeholders; especially input from suppliers, farmers, animal welfare organizations and industry experts was essential. The standard addresses issues proactively by setting clear requirements and auditing against them on a regular basis, including unannounced audits.

RDS means: Complete ban of live-plucking and force feeding of ducks and geese Robust criteria to ensure that the five freedoms of the animals are protected Animals are never killed solely for their down or feathers Yearly audits of every stage of production (farm, slaughterhouse, processers, etc.) Strict and transparent procedures in place to protect the integrity of the standard (e.g. loss of certification for non‐compliance and pulling product in cases of false or inaccurate labeling) For more information on the Responsible Down Standard visit:

Our feathers are sourced both from farmsand slaughterhouses

The feathers are treated and prepared for manufacturing at RDS certified processing facilities

Our manufacturing factories use the down to produce our styles

The finished products are delivered to our warehouse, ready to be sold

The products are sold to our consumers through our storesor through e-commerce



Por lo general, la procedencia y el bienestar animal apenas tienen importancia en el mercado global de la lana. A menudo falta transparencia. Por ello tratamos de apostar cada vez más por la lana del Tirol. Los contratos de suministro con los productores locales nos permiten un mejor control del trato a los animales.

Aquí encontrarás mas información sobre la lana del Tirol.

Para nuestros Recycled Wool Styles adquirimos material reciclado a una fábrica de Siena. Para el resto de líneas (también las que no están fabricadas con lana del Tirol ni lana reciclada), la lana sigue procediendo del extranjero. En la actualidad buscamos posibilidades de trabajar en el futuro exclusivamente con lana de Italia, nuestro país de origen.

Lana sin mulesing para SALEWA®
Todos nuestros proveedores de lana están obligados a renunciar a la práctica del «mulesing», que causa gran dolor a los animales. En esta práctica, la piel que rodea la cola de la oveja se retira sin anestesia para evitar la infestación con larvas de mosca (miasis).
Los animalistas consideran brutal e innecesario este controvertido método.